Samsung SSD 983 DCT 960GB V-NAND 3bit MLC, 2.5",7mm,U.2,NVME, R/W (Max) 3,000MB/s/1,4000MB/s- 3 Years Warranty
Samsung SSD 983 DCT 960GB V-NAND 3bit MLC, 2.5",7mm,U.2,NVME, R/W (Max) 3,000MB/s/1,4000MB/s- 3 Years Warranty
Sequential Reads: up to 3,000 MB/s3)
Sequential Writes: up to 1,900 MB/s3)
Random Reads: up to 540K IOPS
Random Writes: up to 50K IOPS
TBW: 960 GB: 1,366 TB7)
Non-Recoverable Read Error: 1 sector per 1017 bits read
MTBF: 2,000,000 hours